Jan 3, 2011

best face of the year - central florida children and family photographer

i heart faces wants to know which face, of all the faces i saw this past year, was the best.


that is more than tough.

so i went through the catalog of photos, which was nice to remember each session, and getting to know each client, and made a very tough decision.

this is the one that i chose...

it melts by heart.

maybe because i have two boys, with another on the way.

maybe because there's nothing like a mama's love.

maybe because matthew is just so stinkin' cute!

to see more entries, go to i heart faces.


  1. This is just adorable and so sweet. I think you made a great choice! :)

  2. You can hear his giggle bubbling out as she kisses his cheek! It's adorable!

  3. and CONGRATULATIONS on your #3 on they way - how exciting!! Girl or boy??!
