Nov 19, 2009

A Look at '30'

Today is my birthday.  Who am I after 30 years?  I am a daughter.  I am a sister.  I am a wife.  I am a mother.  The people that connect me to those titles have help to mold me into who I am in so many ways.  My parents gave me life's lessons nurtured with lots of love.  In my more recent years, I have taken what they have given me and used it as a wife and mother.  I am far from wise, after all, 30 is nothing compared to 60, or even 90.  I can only hope that I can continue to grow - to make my parents proud of their daughter; to continue to build ever-lasting memories as a sister; grow old with love as a wife; and raise my children to be the best people they can be as a mother.

Here are a series of self portraits, taken on the day I turn 30.

This is the title I am most proud of - Mommy.

I tend to be shy to those that do not know me - but also an open book to those who do.

This might be my Mommy face, actually.  Ask my 3 year old.

I have my Mom's hands...just longer fingers.

I'm a goof.  I am sure this is the quality that attracted my husband to me the most.

So many pieces...

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